American Presidents through History class where I teach about every American President starting with George Washington going to the president-elect Joe Biden.
Roman Rulers through History
American Presidents through History
American Presidents through History
Roman Rulers through History class where I teach about every Roman Ruler starting with Romulus through Romulus Augustulus.
My Fall 2023 Classes
American Government and Politics
American Government and Politics
American Government and Politics
American Government and Politics is a course in which I teach about the way the American political system works.
Politics Around the World
American Government and Politics
American Government and Politics
Politics Around the World is a course in which I teach about how political systems around the world work.
French Monarchs through History
British Monarchs through History
British Monarchs through History
French Monarchs through history is a course in which I teach about each French Monarch and how their lives impacted history.
British Monarchs through History
British Monarchs through History
British Monarchs through History
British Monarchs through History is a course in which I talk about each British Monarch and explain how they impacted Great Britain and the World.